Installing New Extensions

How to install extensions?

Extensions can be installed using the rrpmpkg install command. For the package argument to this command you can either provide a GitHub Repository in the format, username/repository, or in the format or, you can provide a custom git repository URL, such as RRPMPkg is smart enough to detect and install accordingly.

$ rrpmpkg install rrpm-org/extension
Installing 'rrpm-org/extension' extension
Collecting packages ...

$ rrpmpkg install rrpm-org/anotherextension --no-install-deps
Installing 'rrpm-org/anotherextension' extension

$ rrpmpkg install rrpm-org/yetanotherext
Installing 'rrpm-org/yetanotherext' extensions

WARNING: Failed to install dependencies! No requirements.txt file found!

Last updated